It's not just about Christ becoming man and being born at Bethlehem, it's also about why he came.
- He came to provide a way of salvation for all people.
He didn't have to, but because He loves us, God sent his only Son to live and die and rise again so that we wouldn't have to suffer eternal separation from Him.
Isn't it absolutely amazing?!

God has given us the greatest gift imaginable - the opportunity to spend all of eternity in heaven.
- This gift was paid for by Jesus Christ when He died on Calvary, was buried, and rose again three days later.
- This gift is offered to everyone; you only need to accept it!
Do you know for sure where you will spend eternity?
The Bible says that our lives are "even a vapor" - that fragile; that delicate... We don't know how long we will live; Our lives could be ended at any time. As a result of this, you need to be ready to stand before God.
When you do stand before your Maker, will He welcome you into Heaven, or will you be separated from God Almighty for all of eternity?
If you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, and would like to accept the gift of heaven offered by God, you can do so today!
Ask Jesus Christ to forgive your sins, trust Him alone as the way of salvation, and you can have a place reserved for you in heaven today!
This Christmas, let Christ come into your heart!
Photo Credits: - Naito8